Mon. — Fri. с 10:00 до 18:00 (GMT+3)

Tibetan Herbal Mixes: Bile (mKhris)

Serdok-11 (Serdog-11) — Tibetan herbal mix
In stock: many
Serdok-5 / Golden Glitter-5 — Tibetan herbal mix
In stock: many
Tsenden-18 / Sandal-18 — Tibetan herbal mix
In stock: many
Tigta-25 / Swertia-25 — Tibetan herbal mix
In stock: many
Serdok-11 (Serdog-11) — Tibetan herbal mix
In stock: many
In stock: many
Kyuru-25 / Emblica-25 — Tibetan herbal mix
Out of stock
Tazi Marpo — Tibetan herbal mix
Out of stock
Rinchen Tsotru Dashel — Tibetan herbal mix
Out of stock
Tigta-8 / Swertia-8 — Tibetan herbal mix
Out of stock