Mon. — Fri. с 10:00 до 18:00 (GMT+3)

Tibetan Herbal Mixes: Common Cold

Dali-16 / Rhododendron-16 — Tibetan herbal mix
In stock: many
Lishi-6 / Clove-6 — Tibetan herbal mix
In stock: many
Tsowo-25 — Tibetan herbal mix
In stock: many
Khyungon-9 / Garuda-9 — Tibetan herbal mix
In stock: many
Chugang-25 / Bamboo-25 — Tibetan herbal mix
Out of stock
Galo-Menmar / Tragmen-7 — Tibetan herbal mix
Out of stock
Pangtsi-12 (Pang-tsi-12) — Tibetan herbal mix
Out of stock
Out of stock
Drebu Sumthang — Tibetan herbal mix — in powder
Out of stock
Rilmar by Thang Tong Gyalpo — Tibetan herbal mix
Out of stock
Tsenden-8 / Sandal-8 — Tibetan herbal mix
Out of stock