Mon. — Fri. с 10:00 до 18:00 (GMT+3)

Chyawanprash by Himalayan Ayurvedic, 200 gr

Product Features

Nett weight
200 gr
Country of origin
Nepal, Nepal
Shelf life
from 11.21 to 11.25
210 gr
Catalog sections
Healhty Food
The item is out of stock

Product Description

High quality Chyawanprash Jam from the Nepalese manufacturer "Himalayan (Ayurvedic) Herbal Preparation (P) LTD".

Important!!! This product has not been registered as a dietary supplement, and cannot be recommended as a medicinal or prophylactic mean.

If we would honestly describe the products of this manufacturer, it will sound like this: "Expensive. But having tried their products once, you will understand how good they are". How else, if even their competitors in the Ayurvedic market in Nepal speak of Himalayan (Ayurvedic) Herbal Preparation (P) LTD products with respect: "Much better than all other manufacturers of Ayurvedic products."

Knowing the director of the company, Kapila Khatri personally, we can confirm: he is a real alchemist who puts all his soul and love into the production process and manufactures his products with the utmost respect and in accordance with all traditional prescriptions and recommendations. So, don't be confused by the price: it is 200% justified.

Recommended to take in the morning (to avoid overexcitement before bedtime) with milk.

Chyawanprash is an Ayurvedic remedy known for more than 2.5 thousand years, widely used by Ayurvedic medicine as a means of strengthening the immune system and restoring the protective functions of the body based on the Indian gooseberry Amla (phyllanthus emblica) and other medicinal plants.

Chyawanprash is a herbal tonic with a rejuvenating effect. Contributes to the maintenance of active health, maintaining the vitality of the intellect. Improves memory and mental acuity.

Nett weight: 200 gr.
Best before: November, 2025

The main properties of Chywanprash jam:

  • Strengthens the immune system, restores and rejuvenats the body
  • Classic Ayurvedic recipe
  • Formulated with Amla Indian gooseberry — the most powerful natural antioxidant and source of vitamin C
  • Has a positive effect on all body systems

Indications for the use of Chywanprash jam:

  • Weakened immunity
  • Prevention of aging of the body
  • Recovery from previous illnesses
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Obesity
  • High risk of heart attack and stroke
  • Low level of hemoglobin in the blood
  • High cholesterol and blood sugar
  • Poor blood supply
  • Dysbacteriosis
  • Inflammatory upper respiratory infections
  • Prevention of seasonal allergic exacerbations
  • Period of treatment of malignant tumors and recovery after chemotherapy
  • Complex treatment of urological and gynecological diseases
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • General decrease in brain function, memory impairment, problems with concentration
  • Stress, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Menstrual disorders, painful menstrual syndrome
  • Erectile dysfunction, frigidity
  • Increased physical activity
  • Abrupt climate change

Chywanprash jam action:

  • Promotes rejuvenation
  • Slows down the aging process
  • Increases the general tone of the body
  • Neutralizes the aggressive effects of free radicals
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Increases resistance to infections, viruses and colds
  • Cleans the blood, liver, intestines, pancreas from toxins
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Promotes an increase in hemoglobin in the blood
  • Lowers cholesterol and blood lipids
  • Normalizes blood sugar
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Reduces the likelihood of a stroke or heart attack
  • Strengthens anti-tumor immunity
  • Helps suppress the growth of tumor cells
  • Stimulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Improves fermentation of the pancreas and liver
  • Prevention of pancreatitis
  • Catalyzes the reparative process in tissues
  • Supports the Treatment of Many Chronic Diseases
  • Normalizes the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems
  • Normalizes metabolic processes in the body
  • Promotes weight correction
  • Eliminates the negative effects of stress
  • Supports Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Helps Overcome Depression
  • Supports the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis
  • Activates brain function, increases learning ability, concentration and memory
  • Restores the function of the thymus
  • Accelerates adaptation to climate change and increased physical activity
  • Increases sexual activity
  • Normalizes the reproductive function of the body
  • Normalizes the menstrual cycle in women
  • Reduces the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome
  • Promotes the elimination of frigidity and erectile dysfunction