This is a famous Tibetan herbal mix, manufactured jointly by Kunphen Aushadhi Udyog and our store. The herbal mixture itself was made by the Kunphen clinic in Nepal according to our special order in powder form, and the encapsulation and final packaging were completed in Russia. All dosages are calculated by the Kunphen Aushadhi Udyog factory, and the clinic employees themselves find the use of their products in such a form completely conformed the requirements from the point of view of Traditional Tibetan Medicine.
Traditionally, Tibetan herbal teas are of three types:
1) Decoctions and infusions;
2) Mixes, ground into powders;
3) Mixes rolled into pills (granules).
A dry mixture in powder form has a number of advantages over pills: it is absorbed faster and completely by the body. Whereas pills are used in order to ensure long-term storage of the finished composition without weathering of nutrients and essential oils. The encapsulation of herbal mixes in food capsules, on the one hand, makes it possible to receive the composition in powder form, and on the other hand, ensures its long-term storage without loss of beneficial properties.
If the dosage is not specified accurately (for example 3-4 capsules), you can choose the dosage yourself within the specified range.
Consult with a traditional Tibetan medicine phisician prior to use!